can track ip address facebook user

Can cops track a fake facebook ip address? - Yahoo! Answers.
Is there way to find out an IP adress on facebook? - Yahoo! Answers NZ.
My ip address, computer info traced and displayed on Facebook.

Getting abuse on Facebook, how do you find out the ip address? or.
Feb 7, 2012. How do they know I'm Canadian even when I list my account as being. Yes, Facebook has the ability to track your IP address and determin.
Can facebook application developer track my IP address? - Twitist.
can track ip address facebook user
can track ip address facebook user
Trace THE IP Address of a Facebook user.

So is there anyways to find out her IP address from facebook? you will be able to get an IP if they logged into their own account and did it.
When the IP address is a proxy server and it does not expose the user's IP address it is virtually impossible to locate the user. The country accuracy is estimated.
Mar 5, 2012. Trace THE IP Address of a Facebook user. this post is of real use for you. here i will show you how you can Find the IP address of your friend.
i was talkin to a kid at my school through a fake facebook ip address. to track down the ip address to find out that the fake facebook account is.